Know your worth.

DISCLAIMER: this is going to be one hella cringey post but I always seem to rant about horrible things – trying to channel PMA into this rant.

I’m one of these people who tries not to regret anything because life would be boring without ups and downs. Any shit that goes down with other people is all part of your story and sometimes it makes things a little more exciting.

If there’s one thing I’ve always struggled with it’s knowing not to question why things happen, why people make the choices they do – the truth is, I’ll never know really, and that should be ok.

It should be ok because there is only one constant in anybody’s life; and that’s you. You’re the person who you’re going to wake up with every day even when the person you’re used to has left. You’re the person who’s going to achieve your goals. Nobody else can do this for you.

In the words of Kendrick Lemar: ‘I LOVE MYSELF’

Self love is not about being vein or stuck up, its having regard for your own health and happiness.

I am sick to death of hearing people but themselves down and base their worth on other peoples opinions. You are unique – as cringey as it sounds, its true. Stop listening to people who aren’t important to you. Look in the mirror, tell yourself what is right about you; not what is wrong. Wear clothes that make you feel incredible. Sing as loud as you can even if you’re bloody terrible. Go to a club and dance like you’re in a music video. Eat like you haven’t eaten in months. Blow kisses to yourself in the mirror. Take 100’s of selfies and know that you look damn good. Strut like Beyonce even when you’re just nipping to the shops in your PJ’s. Burp in peoples faces and still be fucking fabulous. Stop looking at other people and wishing you were them, stop looking at pictures and wanting what they have.

Look around you. What have you got? What do you appreciate? I’ve got so much incredible things happening, and I’m surrounded by some of the best people I’ve ever met. Not everything goes right, and I know that more than most but I’m learning to focus on what has happened and how I’ve overcome it – especially considering I got myself out of the hole I was in last year. Things are good.

If someone doesn’t want you as their friend, or in their life or they get a kick out of saying horrible things about you, then leave them to it. If someone is rejecting you despite your efforts – forget them.  Your value does not decrease by someone’s inability to see your worth They will never have another you in their life. No matter who you are, know your worth. Know what makes you, you and why that makes you special.  Stop comparing yourself to other people. Stop thinking you’re not beautiful just because your friend is thinner than you or gets more attention than you. Stop thinking you’re not clever just because someone’s got a better job than you. Your worth is not based on them, your worth is based on you. Be confident and love yourself. Because why shouldn’t you? Be your best friend. You’re the only person who knows every single thing about you; the good, the bad and the ugly. Self love is so important – do not base your health or happiness on the presence or attention of someone else.

Not everyone is going to appreciate you. Be proud of yourself. Know yourself. Know what you deserve. Know that you are great and others will know as well. Keep your head up. Slay.

Be you.

Because you know what – I am my cup of tea (strong, sweet and too hot for you).


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